30 aug. 2011

2011/08/28 40 dagars ´pioneering´ / 四十日開拓伝道

Var upplever man Gud mer, i ett "comfort zone" eller i en plats där man har lämnat alla sina bekvämligheter för att arbeta för Gud?
Hans Karlsson berättar om sin upplevelse när han gjorde pioneering i England.
ハンス カールソンが英国での40日開拓伝道の時の経験を語ります。
Where do people find God more, in a "comfort zone" or in a place where you work for God leaving your comfort things behind you ?
Hans Karlsson talks about his experience when he made pioneering in England.

23 aug. 2011

2011/08/21 Hängivet hjärta /精誠

Vad kan vara ett ord som uttryckte den grundläggande relationen mellan Gud och oss? Uppriktighet i kinesiska tecken menar vad man säger och vad man gör är ett.



What could be a word that expressed the basic relationship between God and us? Sincerity in Chinese letter means what a man says is what he/she does.

18 aug. 2011

2011/08/06 Chil Pal Jeol /7・8節


At the Church local, we celebrated Chil Pal Jeol. Ing-Marie explained which day it is. After that we had breakfast together.

3 aug. 2011

2011/08/01 Divine Principle lecture /統一原理講義

Marco Rivetti gjorde föredrag om introduktionen och skapelsens principer i FVE:s lokal från kl.18:30 till kl.20:30. Karin Fuetsch, Agneta Ottander, en student från Iran och jag var med. Viktigaste delar i principerna markeras i röd. Vi läste de röda delarna och diskuterade vad de betydde i vårt vardagsliv. Yang och In var en ny koncept för den persiska studenten. En av interessanta diskussioner var att män kan förstår kvinnor därför att män har kvinligt element i sig. Det är samma med kvinnor som har manligt element i sig.


Marco Rivetti talked abput the introduction and principles of creation at FFWU's local from 18: 30 to 20: 30. Karin Fuetsch, Agneta Ottander, a student from Iran and I were with him. The most important parts of the principles highlighted in red. We read the red parts, and discussed what they meant in our everyday lives. Yang and In was a new concept for the Persian student. One of the interesting discussions was that men could understand women because men have feminine elements in themselves. It's the same with women who have masculine elements in it.

2 aug. 2011

2011/07/31 HDH och nytt Sverige /訓読会と新スウェーデン

Jan-Peter höll andakt i Humelgården. Anteckningen är på engelska. (英文の後に邦文が続きます)

On Tuesday in Fred’s car some of us, Eva, Bodil, Dorin and I drove to meet Benny .
Benny is now in Sweden. He had exhibition in Valdemarsvik.
Benny’s exhibition. You know about his paintings, don’t you? We can say that they are not from this world. We get a strong sense of inspiration.
Those who came to the exhibition were talking about angels and spirit world or hearing words etc.
Furthermore a couple of those had bought his pictures and came home. And called him several days later that the angels came out from the picture.
It is quite interesting.
People have many experiences nowadays. Benny is quite a sensitive. He is an artist. He is used to compare the spiritual level between Sweden and USA.
Before he felt that the spirit was going down. When he came to USA, he felt free. But he realises that it has been changed. It has going up and up. Something has happened here.
Spirit world and angels have began manifesting in front of the people. Benny’s exhibition is typical. We should be very aware that something  fundamental thing is going on.
We are now standing on the holy ground, which is connected to True Parents, returning Christ. In the same way, when we do something, If it is connected to True Parents, then, it is time now for things to happen very quickly. 
It is easy to think in the old fashion. It is difficult, people won’t understand, etc. There can be found many heavy conceptions of which we suffer.
But it is the time now to be free of these conceptions.
It was 16 or 17 years ago when we did a Holy Wine campaign on the streets of Stockholm. Quickly 40000 people pledged to be loyal to their marriage, signed and drank Holy Wine. It was not difficult. Why did not do it before? Simply we did not ask. It is a simple matter. When we ask, yes we want, yes we can, like Obama.
It is just to ask. The spirit world is with. Angels are with and inspire them. Have you watched a video about that Brazilian brother, who made a lot of Hoon Dok Hae?
People do Hoon Dok Hae. Just doing Hoon Dok Hae their problems are solved. And it has become so. Thousands of people do Hoon Dok Hae. It is because ancestors, spirit world and angels inspire them.
Therefore Family Östberg begins open house on Fridays at 18:30. We invite neighbours to do Hoon Dok Hae. You do not need to my neighbours to come this. Anyway not so many neighbours will in the beginning.
The idea is if we do Hoon Dok Hae, and do Hoon Dok Hae at home, then good things will happen at home. Health will be increased. Economy will be better. Human relationships and family will be better.
Why? Because we will be connected to True Parents. Spiritual level will be up. We come closer and closer to Heaven and get less and less problem.
When we joined, we moved to the church centre. This we cannot do anymore. But each home can be a church centre.
How? It is through Hoon Dok Hae. Through Hoon Dok Hae, we raise the spiritual level at home. Angels and spirits will come and help us.
How many days left before 13th of the first month of 2013? We are going to accomplish the mission with this.
There are no so many days left. I cannot do anything,etc. This is a wrong starting point. But jut start then things will happen. What important is that things are happening.
If more and more people are involved, the whole land will be raised up. That is the important thing.
The first step is Tong Bang Gyoppa. The first step, minimum is to try to do Hoon Dok Hae, I think. It is a beginning. It does not mean that it will solve everything. But it is a little piece of puzzle to build a new Sweden.
Therefore you are welcome to Hoon Dok Hae on the 12th August at Kärrgränd 126.
Together with our neighbours. Thank you very much.

したがって、Kärrgränd 126で8月12日に訓読会にぜひ来てください。